Wednesday, August 22, 2012

God's Timing the Hard Way

All who have experienced receiving a word from the Lord and a special promise from Him knows the fulfillment will take a long time. We have to learn and grow and touch the cross in order to receive what He is planning to give us. The wait can be excruciating.

Every time I hear the words in God's time, tears fill my eyes, because my friend and I have been waiting for sixteen years for the promise. It is yet to be fulfilled.

In the sixteen year journey, I have learned a lot about how the Lord deals with his children. If He gives us a special knowledge of the future and what part we would play in His Divine Plan, He expects us to surrender are desires and that sounds easy, but it isn't. He would like to fill us so completely that we become nothing so He can become everything in us. People would notice a light emanating from our being and they would be attracted to us and want what we have. We could then talk about the Gospel, the Good News for mankind. He died, suffered and was buried, but he rose again. And if we put our faith in Him we will be covered by His blood, and receive our inheritance.

       Waiting on God - The Vision - the Promise - the Fulfillment  
           A Journey: full of blessings and lessons, hardships and suffering

The above is the title of a short book that I will be writing in the near future. We have yet to see the fulfillment. 

Waiting for the promise to be fulfilled has been my life for the last sixteen years. Wait, Wait, not yet!

He will bring it to fruition at the proper time. God works when we pray. I have been praying a long time for this to happen. Praise God.     

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Jasper's Journey

I thought anyone who loves kids and stories might enjoy this post.

Jasper’s Journey

Jasper was a baby raccoon. He lived in the hollow trunk of an old willow tree with his family. He loved his home in the thick forest, but he had one problem. Jasper was afraid of everything.
“You should have been a cat,” Binky the rabbit teased. “Then we could call you fraidy cat.”
“I’ll show them I’m not a fraidy cat.” Jasper waved his clenched paw in the air.
“I’m going to visit the other side of the forest!”
Jasper’s friend Squiggy, the squirrel, wanted to play. Squiggy plopped down in front of Jasper and stared into his dark eyes.
 “Why do you look so sad?” Jasper put his head between his paws.
“I need courage, Squiggy. I’m afraid to visit the other side of the forest.” 
“Do you remember the story about David and Goliath we learned last week in Sunday school?”
“Yes, God gave courage to a little shepherd boy.” Jasper clapped his paws together. “Squiggy, do you think God would give me courage?”
“Yep, I do!” Squiggy nodded his head. “The Bible is full of encouraging stories.”
Jasper looked at Squiggy and said, “I don’t think God wants me to be afraid, do you Squiggy? “Heck no.” Squiggy high-fived Jasper.
“What are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Jasper followed his bushy tailed friend down the tree. “This is high adventure!” Jasper shouted. “Yippppeee!”
“Jasper, We’ve been traveling a while, do you know where we are?”
“Squiggy gazed up at the clouds in the sky.
“No, but there’s a big buck over there. Maybe we can ask him.” 
“Where are you going?” The buck wanted to help.
“We’re a little bit lost.” Squiggy replied.
“We’re trying to find the other side of the forest.” Jasper panted.
 “No problem. I’ll take yah.” Jasper and Squiggy jumped on the buck’s back.
          . “We’ve made it to the other side of the forest, Squiggy.” Jasper cried. They jumped off the buck and rushed to see this new land.
“Jasper, how do you like my side of the forest?” The buck inquired.
“Oh, I like it a lot.” Squiggy noticed the sun beginning to set.
“Jasper, we’d better hurry home before it gets dark.”
Jasper froze. He heard an unusual noise. Grrrrrrowl!”  A ferocious cougar sprung from the bushes. Squiggy bolted up a tree. Jasper didn’t move. His little body shook, but his determined eyes locked with the cougar. He suddenly remembered David and Goliath. He picked up a rock and with all the strength he could muster, hurled it at the cougar. The rock sailed through the air and hit the cougar between the eyes. The dazed cougar yelped and ran away.
“You saved our lives.” Squiggy cheered. The buck agreed. “Let’s get going.”
When Jasper arrived on his side of the forest, his mother ran to greet him.
“Were you a good boy today?” “I sure was.” Jasper blushed.
“I fought off a ferocious cougar with a rock.” Jasper got courage,” Squiggy said.

Jasper’s face beamed. He was the proudest raccoon in the whole forest.

Monday, August 20, 2012

How I Got Started

It all started in 1998 when I received a writing test in the mail. I said, I'm no writer, and I threw the envelope in the garbage.

A few minutes later a still small voice (the Lord) told me to drag that out of the garbage and do the test and send it in.  Of course, I obeyed, but I was skeptical.

In a few weeks I received my answer: The Long Ridge Writers Group told me I should take their course. I was so surprised, but I took the course, and so my journey began.

A few years later I took another writing course (Apprentice) with the Christian Writers Guild. I learned a lot about writing for the Christian market.

I have been writing ever since. I want to write for the Christian market but I also enjoy writing talking animal stories for children. One of them is published. 

The supernatural has always intrigued me. I wrote a short story entitled "The House that Seems Alive." It was published too. 

I have two articles published. "Never Give Up" and "the Promise"

I haven't received any money for the above, but I loved writing them and I am working to improve so that some day I will be paid. It would be a wonderful feeling and I await that exciting day.