Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I'm a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers and I log onto their prayer requests every day.

I pray for everyone on the list and it has been really fulfilling. The requests range from physical illness, being close to death, suicide and, of course, being beaten up by Satan.  

This particular prayer request had me upset and I will tell you why. Here is the part of the request that I am talking about: I won't mention the whole request. But, this person, is telling the Pastor that he or she didn't like the sermon.

"I come to church to feel good. I don't need you telling me what I am doing wrong!"

Is this what sums up Christianity today? Boy, it sure seems like it to me. Being politically correct has taken religion down the wrong road. Now, sin doesn't exist anymore, hell doesn't exist anymore and so on. I believe if someone is offended by these things, so what. Jesus Christ is an offense to many anyway. Do we just shut up from now on? Are we in the "feel good" generation? We need to get back to basics:

Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. Because we are sinners, we need Him.    
I am using some of  my posts to show what is happening to Christianity today. If it might offend someone, just don't talk about it. I can feel an attack coming on, but, I will keep bringing up the need for Jesus no matter what!

I am so glad that my Pastor preaches the gospel at every service.


Wednesday, March 19, 2014


I don't know how it started but for many years I loved to read this wonderful devotional  and received many answers to prayer from it.

When I needed to find an answer to my problems, I would ask the Lord to give me a page number of a particular devotional that would be an answer directly from Him. And, to my amazement, I would always receive an answer. The devotional was exactly what I needed to hear for my situation.

From 1996 until her death in 2000 I would be praying constantly for help because my mother's mind was slipping. In 1996, in a still small voice, the Lord told me that I would have four more years with her. I had completely forgotten what He said to me.

On February 14, 2000 I asked the Lord if there was anything I needed to hear about myself or my mother?
The Lord gave me page 135. And, toward the end of the devotional, the following is what I read.

"The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord!"

My mother died the next day. It wasn't until after her death that I remembered what the Lord had said about another four years.

What is so great is that it was a gentle reminder that the Lord cared about my feelings and it kept me strong
and praising God.

You can always rely on the Lord of this I am certain.

Monday, March 3, 2014



The anthology that I have a testimony entitled "The Promise" is now available at Amazon.

Right now, it is available in print only, but, it will be in an e-book form soon. I hope all you Kindle users will grab this when available.

The evil one tried to stop this book so you know the book must be powerful. The stories are tremendous. I believe that everyone who reads these testimonies will find one that will grip their heart and possibly change their life. 

Here is the link:

- http://www.amazon.com/Trials-Triumphs-Circumstances-Life-Changing-Testimonies/dp/0991488407/ref=la_B00E3DHXTG_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1393806056&sr=1-3

http://ebooks.faithwriters.com/ebook-details.php?id=1024 and FaithWriters is looking for reviews.

I am hoping that you will read my story in this book.